

1995 | Master of Arts (Philosophy, Latin, French Literature) | University of Lausanne

2003 | PhD (Philosophy) | University of Lausanne

2007 | Qualification as a ‘Maître de conférences’ | Conseil National des Universités (France)

2010 | Habilitation (History of Philosophy) | University of Fribourg (Switzerland)

2012 | Qualification as a ‘Professeur des universités’ in Philosophy | Conseil National des Universités, Section 17 (France)

2017 | Qualifications as a ‘Professeur des universités’ in Philosophy and History | Conseil National des Universités, Sections 17 and 21 (France)

Professional Experience 

1998-2003 | PhD assistant (Ancient Philosophy) | University of Lausanne

2003-2004 | Postdoctoral assistant | University of Lausanne

2004-2008 | Substitute professor and Junior assistant professor | University of Lausanne

2007-2013 | Lecturer, Junior assistant professor and privatdocent | University of Fribourg (Switzerland)

2009-2011 | Scientific coordinator and scientific fellow ANR-DFG | University Paris IV Sorbonne

2012 | Senior fellow ‘Research in Paris’ | University Paris IV Sorbonne

2013-2017 | Substitute Professor. Vertretung der Professur (W3) für antike und mittelalterliche Philosophie | Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg im Breisgau

2014 | Holder of the Chair “Pierre Abélard” at the University Paris IV Sorbonne

2018 (March) | Visiting scholar at the EHESS Paris

2014-2019 | Principal Investigator of the ERC-Co-Grant Project MEMOPHI at the Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg im Breisgau

Since September 2019 | Full professor (Directrice d’études) at the EHESS Paris. Full member of the Centre Alexandre Koyré, CAK (UMR 8560/EHESS/CNRS/MNHN). Associate member of the Centre de recherches historiques, CRH (UMR 8558).

Since January 2020 | Together with Charlotte Bigg and Antonella Romano, head of the Master program module “Histoire des sciences, des Techniques et des Savoirs” (EHESS).

2020-2024 | In charge of the EHESS doctoral program “Droit, Études politiques, Philosophie”, together with Marc Aymes.

Since January 2024 | Associate publishing director of the Éditions de l’EHESS.

Funding ID and Participation in Research Projects

1998-2001 | PhD Fellowship | SNF | University of Lausanne | Political Platonism [dir. A. Neschke]

2001-2003 | PhD Fellowship | SNF (Swiss National Science Foundation) | University of Lausanne | Categories and Categorizations in the Social Sciences and Humanities [dir. A. Neschke]

2005-2007 | Postdoctoral Fellowship | Research and teaching program IRIS 4.2 (Intégration, Régulation et Innovation Sociale) | University of Lausanne | Writing and Reading Philosophy in the West [A. Neschke – F. Gregorio – C. König-Pralong]

2007-2012 | Membership | International research team ‘Raisons et rationalités’ | University of Lausanne | Epistemologies of the Social Sciences and Humanities

Since 2007 | Membership | GAS (Groupe d’Anthropologie Scolastique) – GAHOM (Groupe d’Anthropologie Historique de l’Occident Médiéval) | EHESS Paris |  [dir. A. Boureau]

2009-2012 | Membership 15% | MISHA (Maison des Sciences de l’Homme – Alsace) | University of Strasbourg | Authority and Magisterium in Medieval Thought [dir. I. Iribarren – M.J.F.M. Hoenen]

2009-2011 | Scientific coordination and fellowship 50% | ANR (Agence Nationale de la Recherche France)-DFG (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft) | Paris IV Sorbonne – Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg | Thomism and Anti-thomism in the Middle Ages [dir. M.J.F.M. Hoenen – R. Imbach – C. König-Pralong]

2012 | Senior fellowship (6 months: 01.01.2012-30.06.2012) | Scientific Council of the ‘Mairie de Paris’ (Research Foundation ‘Research in Paris’) | Paris IV Sorbonne | Principal Investigator

2013 | Fellowship (12 months) | Kulturwissenschaftliches Kolleg Konstanz | Principal Investigator (declined)

2016-2017 | COMETH (Conceptions of Medieval Thought) | FRIAS Project Group 2016-17 | Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies | Co-Principal Investigator with Nadja Germann (Freiburg), Isabel Iribarren (Strasbourg), Gianluca Briguglia (Strasbourg) and Ueli Zahnd (Basel)

2014-2019 | MEMOPHI (Medieval Philosophy in Modern History of Philosophy) | European Research Council | ERC Consolidator Grant 2013 | Principal Investigator


1995 | Prix du docteur Émile Duboux, Faculty of Arts prize | University of Lausanne

2004 | Prix de philosophie William Rivier, University prize with the mention « Lauréate de l’Université » (Dies academicus 2004/5) | University of Lausanne

Organization of International Conferences

September 6-7, 2023 | together with Julie Brumberg-Chaumont | International conference | Homo logicus V : Social History and the Historical Anthropology of Logic | EHESS-CNRS Paris EPHE-Sorbonne

June 29-30, 2023 | together with Andreas Mayer | International conference | Translating in the Human Sciences: A World Perspective| EHESS-CNRS Centre Marc Bloch Berlin

June 22-23, 2022 | together with Julie Brumberg-Chaumont | International conference | Homo logicus IV : Histoire sociale de la logique et anthropologie historique de la logique | EHESS-CNRS Paris EPHE-Sorbonne

November 30-December  2, 2017 | together with the FRIAS Project Group COMETH | PHILO-FICTION | University of Freiburg im Br. (DE)

October 26-28, 2017 | MEMOPHI international conference | Inventing Europe in Modern History of Philosophy | University of Freiburg im Br. (DE)

April 28-30, 2016 | MEMOPHI international conference | Outsiders” and “Forerunners”: Modern Reason and Historiographical Births of Medieval Philosophy | University of Freiburg im Br. (DE)

November 9-10, 2011 | together with T. Suarez-Nani | Doctoral school CUSO |Vérités probables, scepticisme et autorité| University of Fribourg (CH)

September 8-9, 2011 | together with R. Imbach | International conference | Opuscules pseudo-thomistes et problématique accidentelle | Paris IV Sorbonne

February 8-9, 2011| together with M. Hoenen, R. Imbach and E. Coccia | International conference Thomas d’Aquin et la querelle des universaux | Paris IV-Sorbonne

January 28-30, 2010 | together with M. Hoenen and R. Imbach | International conference | Deutscher Thomismus (13./14. Jahrhundert) | University of Freiburg im Br. (DE)

October 24-25, 2008 | together with T. Suarez-Nani | International conference  | Pierre de Jean Olivi. Philosophe et théologien | University of Fribourg

April 18-19, 2007 | together with F. Gregorio and J. Meizoz | Doctoral school | Lire et écrire en arts et en philosophie | University of Lausanne

Mai 3-5, 2001| together with A. Neschke and F. Gregorio | International conference | Les herméneutiques au seuil du XXIe siècle | University of Lausanne


Since 2023 |Member of the editorial board of Annales, Histoire, Sciences Sociales

Since 2022| Corresponding member of the Göttingen Academy of Sciences and Humanities

Since 2020| Member of the scientific board of the Grundriss der Geschichte der Philosophie. Ueberweg

Since 2019 | Member of the editorial board of Quaestio

Since 2016 | Member of the scientific board of Mediaevalia. Textos e estudos

Since 2014 | Member of the Société thomiste | Paris, Commissio leonina

Since 2014 | Member of the advisory board of the Recherches de Théologie et Philposophie Médiévales

2014-2018 | Member of the scientific board of OpenEdition

2012-2017 | Elected member of the board of the Société Internationale pour l’Étude de la Philosophie Médiévale (SIEPM)

2011-2013 | Member of the Editorial board of the Revue de théologie et de philosophie

2009-2013 | Member of the Commission de la Bibliothèque d’Historie de l’Art et de Philosophie | University of Fribourg (CH)

2007-2011 | Member of the scientific board of the Revue de théologie et de philosophie

2007-2013 | Member of the Institut d’Études Médiévales | University of Fribourg (CH)

2006-2008 | Member of the COFELEC (Commission pour la formation des enseignants en langues et cultures) | University of Lausanne